Healing Yoga for many aches and pains
Yoga is a discipline unique in it's combination of focus on body, mind and spirit. With some healing yoga exercises you may be able to support your medical therapy for the following disease.
A study showed that a vegetarian diet, combined with moderate exercise and an hour of yoga and meditation a day could produce a reversal of atherosclerosis in men and women who follow the daily regimen.
Parkinson’s Disease
Yoga has emerged as a beneficial alternative therapy and an ideal form of exercise for Parkinson's patients because of its slow movements. Concentrate on controlling your breath as this form of yoga helps in moments of panic – such as feet sticking to the floor when walking.
Circulatory System And Immune System
With a series of poses and postures, which are designed to clear blockages in the circulatory system and ensure that everything is flowing as it should at an even regular rate. Yoga flexes the muscles and strengthens them very efficiently over time'. This strengthening and constant working of these muscles pumps the lymphatic system and makes out body much more efficient in removing of waste matter. People who practice Yoga regularly can expect that they will have a greatly enhanced immune response system and be able to deal better with infections.
Yoga has shown some beneficial results in curing diabetes. The yoga exercises that are prescribed for curing diabetes is different from hatha yoga exercise because it involves positions tailored to treat certain conditions, as well as meditation, relaxation and stretching exercises.
In asthma, the airways become restricted making breathing difficult. Yoga breathing exercises could help sufferers of mild asthma and may help reduce their use of low-dose drug inhalers in wheezing attacks.
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